Thursday, July 28, 2005

Coming out of the Wood Work

Well, Well, Well....
The last week has been pretty tiring. As you can see below I did a pretty uninteresting show. Hopeful this weeks will be better.
Reid came to town. We didn't Rock! But it was nice to see him. We rode around talked and listened to music all of Thursday. Friday we found Chris Blue and hung out with him. Blue was terrible funny to hang out with. He should do comedy. YOU HEAR THAT BLUE!!!! DO COMEDY!!!!! Anyway, I took Blue and Reid to the Hippo for the Friday night fun. Mainly because I knew that it was Reid's best chance to see Jess. But the opening band, The Dwayne Brothers from Kansas, was pretty good. They also had the cutest little singer. Blue and Reid want me to go talk to her, but I was as always chicken shit scared. Luckily I got out of it, because she was married.
Saturday, I said good bye to Reid and headed back to work. Work is just work. But as I was getting off, I was walking threw the Bar and there was Jerry and Laura just drinking. Jerry moved to Memphis awhile back. So I had to go home shower and go back to the Hog to talk to him. Then Ford want to hang out with me on Sunday. We drink beer and watch TV. Then on Monday, Ford and I went and saw The Devils Rejects. Devils Rejects was good, but it is very different from House of 1,000 Corpse
Why am I so popular all of a sudden? I am still the same loud mouth loser I have always been. I as much as a liked seeing Reid, part of me just wanted to sit home and read Harry Potter.Which I read in my free time.
I guess those feeling are what led to bad Karma night at work on Tuesday. Just horrible. Johnny Struggle must die!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!GGGGggggrrrrrr.....!!!
Guess I can take it out onThe Frog


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